Es Firó

When Soller is overtaken by its tradition.

There is no point talking about the beauty that surrounds us, about the paellas we serve, the heart of our past without mentioning the most special day of all, Es Firó. Just the mention of this name sees us overcome in a plethora of emotions.

Those who have never experienced a Firó will never fully understand, but those who have experienced Soller’s public holidays will know what we are talking about.

A commemoration of the past (May 11th 1561) which gives rise to a celebration that goes back hundreds of years with a town which is overcome with the valentes dones (brave women), the Moors and the pagesos (peasants) filling the streets of Soller and the Port for 3 days.

A little bit of history, remembering what happened on May 11th, 1561.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, the ringing of the bells puts the town on alert. Enemy ships have been sighted. The farmers meet in the Plaza de los Estiradores in Soller to go to battle.

At 17.00, the Saracen troops try to disembark opposite Hotel Generos in the Port of Soller, but after a tough fight they are rejected by the Sollerics. They occupy the beach in historical dress, with black faces and with their spades in hand. The peasant farmers, among the noise and smoke of the guns, try to defend their land. On the beach you can see a performance of the tough battle that would have ensued. Some tourists usually end up with a straw hat and with their faces painted by the Saracens.

A second attack, on Repic beach also favours the invaders. The audience accompany the battle with music and drinks, cheering on their favourite.

After winning another battle at Pont d’en Barona (Sóller) most of the Moors reach the square. Throughout all of this, they can’t stop the looting of the centre of the town. The attackers climb the town hall, bank, houses with ladders and take gold and other valuable items.

At 20.00 the looting turns into a tough battle when the Sollerics arrive, the square fills with smoke and some men can be seen hanging from trees. Finally, the peasant farmers are the winners and their Captain Angelats claims victory from the town hall. They sing “La Balanguera” together and Moors and Christians spend the rest of the night having a big party.

Es Firó takes place on the second Monday in May although, in Soller, you can enjoy the festive atmosphere days before this with its various activities.

Fish, tapas & rice dish restaurant with Mallorcan soul

The taste of the sea that has inspired our foundation since its inception.